So book two, How I survived my graduate education is done. I’m trying to find a publisher but that means my next project is bubbling up in the queue. Yeah I know, there is never a dull or quiet moment and I do not want there to be. Having nothing to do equals rest and does not last long. So I’m thinking through what my next project should be. I could write about my postdoc in Europe. Writing about 1.5 years in Paris France and several years in Oxford England make for a good story, but I also yearn for something different.
I was actually thinking about a cookbook. What about the concept of “The cheap bachelors cookbook” as a working title and concept cookbook? I’m a 48 year old bachelor who likes to cook but I retain a lot of my frugal ways from grad school. When it comes to cooking; I’m down right cheap. I cook in bulk and freeze stuff to be re-heated later. Nothing goes to waste until it is growing moldy fuzzy stuff that reminds me of some of my more successful lab experiments.
The hook for this book is that it is not just a bunch of recipes, but I will be talking to the bachelor as one lazy, cheap dude to another. Maybe I should change “lazy” to “time constrained” dude. So for example, if I am talking about making a dip I’ll use analogies like the consistency of spackling compound as a frame of reference. Also, I am a huge fan of cast iron cookware and will recommend that to bachelors. Why is cast iron so appropriate to bachelors you ask, well it is because you really aren’t supposed to WASH it. What is more perfect than that for us disgusting non-neat freak bachelors than a pan that you can just wipe out and call clean.
There are a few bachelor cookbooks out there, but I think a useful and slightly humorous book will be well received. The cookbooks that are out there for bachelors are geared towards entertainment. There is a cartoon cookbook, rhyming verse cookbook giving the feel of a bumbling buffoon. Mine will be useful and based on solid cooking principles. This will include how to plan a dinner, how to best utilize and preserve leftovers and preparing and eating well balanced meals at a reasonable price. I will also list the simple equipment and appliances needed for an effective bachelor kitchen.
I can see it now every college bachelor living alone or with friends will use this book to keep them nourished and cost effective. Moms sending sons of to college will want to purchase this book until they read the part about cast iron not being washed.