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Archives for education

A couple things on the horizon

I have two blogs written and queued up ready to post on line. They are about things that will be happening in the near future. I am waiting for “official” okay to announce what is coming but have to contain myself for now. Nonetheless, I’ve got two new gigs in the works and can hardly wait [...]

Taken for a ride by and in a taxi in Tokyo

I cannot believe I got taken for a ride by a Tokyo taxi driver. I’m in Tokyo after a conference and have some meetings and lectures scheduled. I’ve been to Tokyo numerous times, I think about 15, and feel comfortable getting around by metro, walking and taxi as needed. I am scheduled to meet a [...]

Check out the link to EMS responder

http://www.emsresponder.com/readingroom/ Or the direct link: http://www.emsresponder.com/web/online/Reading-Room/QandA-with-Joseph-F-Clark–PhD/55$13359  will take you to EMSresponder.com where My Ambulance Education is featured along with some other EMS books. It includes a full chapter excerpt and an interview with me.

A unique dinner in Morioka Japan

A colleague and I were going to dinner one evening. He was Japanese, but not familiar with the city of Morioka Japan, so he asked at the hotel reception desk for a restaurant recommendation. He was told of a little family run business on the corner of the very next block. After crossing 2 streets [...]

Science Education in Japan.

I spent a week in Japan for the Japanese Physiological Society Meeting recently. It was in Morioka Japan and I highly recommend the city as an off the beaten trail type of place to go. The area is known for its great noodles, its iron works and the convergence of three rivers from the surrounding [...]

For anyone

For anyone who wants to know what it is like to write a memoir it is easy to give a brief philosophy that partially addresses that question. That is if you do not get yourself emotionally involved and in tears, you are not honest enough with what you are writing. What brings people to read [...]

Oh to be 100.

Ever watch those sitcoms and other TV shows that celebrate their 100th episode? No, okay so I do not watch stuff like that either. But if you did, you would know that I was hinting that this is my 100th blog. Yes a little over 1 year and the blog is 100 blogs old. I [...]

What Makes a Good Teacher Versus a Good Scientist: Can one be Both?

What makes a good teacher versus a good scientist: Can one be both? An overwhelming majority of my work involves doing research. I do some “teaching” or more correctly mentoring of graduate and medical students. Unfortunately however, for the past ten years I have done almost no didactic teaching. Formerly, teaching was a regular part [...]

The discovery culture is rapidly and sadly vanishing.

I went to college for nine years to obtain a bachelors, masters and Ph.D. I am very proud of those accomplishments and completely embrace the moniker geek. I love doing cutting edge research and teaching the next generation of ‘geeks.’ The problem is that with my education I did not learn how to market or [...]

Helping People – Clinical Trials and the Lucky Placebo Group

you risk is a legacy of tombstones all with the epitaph, “the placebo group were the lucky ones