There was a lot of junk science packed in colorful marketing schemes with the goal of separating your training room from its money.
Archives for Science and Medicine
Can steroid use make concussions worse?
Today’s article is co-authored by Dr. J.F. Clark, Professor of Neurology and Dr. O. Choutka, Chief Neurosurgery Resident, University of Cincinnati.
The Mayo Clinic does not care if it dispenses WRONG information
what is out on the web needs to be examined carefully and often can be dangerously inadequate.
Questions from a Parent of a Newly Diagnosed Creatine Transporter Deficiency Child
Joseph, Thank you for the explanation, it’s concise while remaining non-medical , exactly the right dosage of information to help folks like me
200th Blog
As a person who has been trying to “help” people for an entire career. Being on the cusp of producing a drug that will drastically improve the lives of numerous patients is humbling and daunting.
housekeeping on my site
I’m not sure if I have done any housekeeping on my site in a while, so here are some updates. Concerning appearances, I’ve decided to not advertise when I’m traveling for personal security reasons. I’ll blog on conferences I attend after I have been and gone. The web site has seen continuous growth since its [...]
Tell the NIH what research they should support
Currently the NIH’s child care institute is asking for your opinion on what it should pursue. Please tell them what diseases they should focus on. With the right information and right leadership we can help many of the 80,000 people with these disorders.
Concussion Management and Ohio House Bill 143
I am very concerned that as written the bill will be very bad for certain types of sports and take out of the athletic trainer their/our ability to engage in best medical care and clinical judgments.
A funny conference chair solution
Funny story at conference. I was attending a scientific conference recently which consisted of a series of short talks given by renowned scientists. The session was organized by a leading scientist in the field who invited the speakers and directed them to cover the key scientific subjects of the field to form a theme in [...]
Developing treatments for creatine deficiency disorders
If you have a family member or patient with one of the creatine deficiency syndromes, especially the creatine transporter deficiency, please join our facebook group (!/home.php?sk=group_127389967322193&ap=1) where we will keep people apprised of our latest research and development.