I was privileged enough to be asked to Ritsumeikan University Shiga, Japan as an invited lecturer asked to give a series of lectures during their concentrated summer program. The theme of the lecture program was “brain pathologies and therapies.” Yes that is a broad topic, but they wanted personal expert presentations focusing on those areas [...]
Posts tagged treatment
Guanidino Acid Methyl Transferase (GAMT) support group on facebook conversation thread on ornithine and creatine results.
The following is an annotated and redacted conversation from the GAMT support group on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/189179557787307/. Some of us participated in the dialogue and wanted to share this with the broader community. I’ve tried to stay true to the meaning and provide transitions between comments from individuals participating in the discussion. Please remember to always [...]
Discovery of a treatment for one of the causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Creatine transporter deficiency
We have published a paper showing our discovery of a true treatment for ONE of the causes of autism. The type of autism spectrum disorder is the creatine transporter deficiency, where the brain lacks creatine because it cannot be transported into the brain.
News for Creatine Deficiency Syndromes
Here in Cincinnati we (University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center*) are launching the first of its kind diagnostic for all creatine deficiency disorders
Questions from a Parent of a Newly Diagnosed Creatine Transporter Deficiency Child
Joseph, Thank you for the explanation, it’s concise while remaining non-medical , exactly the right dosage of information to help folks like me
Developing treatments for creatine deficiency disorders
If you have a family member or patient with one of the creatine deficiency syndromes, especially the creatine transporter deficiency, please join our facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/home.php?sk=group_127389967322193&ap=1) where we will keep people apprised of our latest research and development.
Creatine Transporter Deficiency
Some of the most experienced researchers concerning creatine and creatine deficiencies are in Cincinnati working hard to treat these patients
Medical Practitioners and Ambulance Personnel
Dear EMS practitioners, I apologize in advance if some of this is indelicate, but it is one person’s opinion and is intended to advance the profession. Yours truly, Joe Clark Prehospital care is medical treatment and care that is given by ambulance personnel, often in an ambulance. EMTs and paramedics provide a wide range services [...]
How my cat helped me at work
My little insulin dependent kitty is named Clawdia, she is 17 years old and this teenager has taught me an important lesson.
Academic and Commercial Research
I’m currently working on a fairly large grant application for a company. The company wants me to do research on a subject on which I am very comfortable and knowledgeable. The process of writing and securing a research agreement with a company is much different than with the NIH, NSF or most charitable foundations. I [...]