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Posts tagged education

Brain Drain and Stimulus Package

The federal government is spending a lot of time and effort on a federal bailout or stimulus package. Some of this stimulus package money is going to medical research. Over ten billion dollars is allotted to the national institutes of health to fund medical research projects. This money is grant funding that is being done [...]

Blog on visit to high school

I spent the day at a local high school recently. High school has not changed much since I was there. It was a lot of fun. I talked to anatomy physiology, chemistry and advanced science classes. I tried to give the kids an overview on what it is like to spend 9 years in college [...]

Hard copy books versus e-publications

So I’m looking at a shelf of books in my office and realize that most of them were published pre 2000. In the electronic age, most of my educational media is electronic. Now it seems I have more e-books and e-journals than paper anything. Less and less of what I do involves ‘hard copies’ of [...]