I had my first book signing at the firefighter’s convention Saturday, April 25, 2009 in Indianapolis IN. This conference is huge with over 25,000 people from all over the country. The signing occurred at booth 301 with Firefighters Books (www.firebooks.com) from 11:00 to 1:30. It was great fun talking to new people on the job about their experiences and some of the veterans who had started on the job when I started working on an ambulance. We compared notes regarding the state of different EMS systems and how things worked for them now versus then.
I often got a chance to explain to people that the book, “My Ambulance Education” has education in the title because it impacts on my work as a Professor of Neurology. Currently I am working with multiple research disciplines trying to make diagnostics and therapeutics that can be used in the ambulance and emergency room. One very engaging young man who was a paramedic on a local ambulance service was bemoaning the unfortunate shrinkage of medications that paramedics are allowed to carry and administer. It is tragic that the apparent medical care that paramedics and EMTs can provide is decreasing but I assured him that scientists, myself included, are working to optimize and expand what goes in an ambulance.
My mantra to him and the other very engaging EMTs and Paramedics I talked with was that if you are sitting next to a patient and you wished you could get diagnostic information or a therapeutic device and have ideas as to how this can be achieved; to call me. I handed out a bunch of my university business cards and these health care professionals all seemed to be anxious to communicate and be involved. Many expressed interest in participating in future research projects. I was happy to hear this because, as I explained to them, the best way to get new technology in the ambulances was to have current practitioners be involved in the Research and Development. Several people gave me their contact details wanting to participate in the research coming down the pipe.
The bottom line is that the book signing was fun and having a chance to see the energy and excitement of today’s paraprofessionals who really want to do the best for their patients is really exciting. The truth is; My Ambulance Education continues to educate me.