I’m just playing with you. My blog will be 35,000 words in this post.
Hey guess what? My blog hit another milestone. It turned 35,000 words long. I did not know I had that much to say, but there you go passing 35,000 words of miscellaneous blather. I really have tried to provide a balance of ranting and raving. I know I have ranted more than raved, but the ranting is good for the soul.
Here are some statistics about my blog:
There are 102 blogs with an average word length of 340 words each. I publish 1.4 blogs a week typically on Sundays and Thursdays.
The blogs fall into 7 categories: science, education, medicine, research, my ambulance education, government and humor. The categories are not mutually exclusive in fact almost all the blogs have more than one category. The most common category is my ambulance education. Have you read the book, my ambulance education? If not I recommend it as a good read. There are also 245 tags covered in those blogs.
I average 0.25 comments per blog, which means most of the blogs are not commented on. Truthfully, I get about 3 comments per blog, but those are spam comments because my filter is not as sophisticated as I guess it should be. I think I have responded to every comment made on the site, that was not spam.
Recently the blog and my website has been getting about 1000 hits a day. Wow. I’m not sure how many of those are automated, but someone visits other than me.
Three sites feed in to my blog and several very kind colleagues have my url in their site.
As I have said before I’m working on getting my next book published. If it is not picked up, or close to being picked up, I will start publishing it on line here in September; just in time for back to school. We shall see what happens and I’ll keep you informed of what how things are shaping up.
So in conclusion, happy 35,000th word. By the way, the 35,000th word is this: THANKS.
Remember that short blog a little while ago? I needed a short one for the numbers to work here.